I was writing my latest blog entry when I got an e-mail from my cousin; Jake who lives in Africa and he is an archaeologist by trade and he invited me to join him in Africa (Egypt) for an adventure. I wrote back saying, I would love to join him. I immediately went on the net, to see what ships were leaving for Africa and there was one leaving in 1 week so I sent Jake the details of when I would be arriving. Then I rung Vamp Boy to explain, I would be going away for a few weeks, could he look after my petlings, garden and house whilst I was away which he told me that it would be no problem.
I dragged out my blue wheely suitcase from under my bed, pulled it to my wardrobe room and look round to decide what to pack, i packed my 2 pairs of shorts, my safari outfit, a baseball cap to keep my head protected and several pairs of flip flops. I had sure I also packed my suncream as well as my wash bag and packed a few towels too.
A few weeks later
I just was pulling my suitcase out behind when my friends, family and beloved Vamp Boy turned up to wish me Bon Voyage however that made me burst into tears since I would knew I'd miss them all and I passed my house keys to Vamp Boy and gave a spare to set to my mum as well. I loaded my luggage into my car, started the drive to the sea port and I arrived, handed in my ticket. I got shown to my cabin, I unpacked my suitcase and got changed into my outfit.
I decided to write my beloved a postcard whilst on the cruise to Africa whilst lying on the lounger, I was missing Vamp Boy sooo much but I would have to wait a few weeks however they do say absence makes the heart grow fonder though I think it is true.
We just arrived at Alexandria in Egypt, I disembarked off the ship and took a taxi to my hotel (Sofitel Cecil). I checked in, took the lift up to my room and rung Jake to let him that we would meet up in Cairo a few days later after I had look round the Library of Alexandria.
Few Days Later
I just arrived in Cairo, scanning the crowd for Jake since we were supposed to meet at the museum steps and go on our adventures from there. When suddenly I heard a loud shout of, Oi! Kibbles over here cuz! I was soo embrassed since I hate attention being drawn to me and everyone was looking round and disgusted at the shouting, However I spotted Jake, sitting on the steps, so I walked over to him and we embraced big time since we haven't seen other since I was 2 months old and I am nearly 1 year old now.
Jake had an arranged a camel ride to Luxor City from Cairo since he said there was something he wanted to look for at the Temple of Karnak and I'd said that be no problem. However I will admit the camel ride was interesting to say the least. We arrived at Luxor City, we dismounted our camels and made our way to the Temple of Karnak, we entered the temple and treaded carefully. Jake spotted the hints on this ancient parchment (he is an archaeologist by trade) to find the Pharaoh Akhom's tomb out by the pyramids.
We mounted our camels, making our way to the pyramids but I made sure we had plenty of food and drink to keep since in the heat we would to keep up our fluids up. We took a break because we saw a beautiful oasis along with some animals enjoying them selves.
We just arrived at the Pyramids when Jake told me, we had to dismount and start digging to look for the tomb since it's not visible to the naked eye the location of it. Jake warned me of one thing though when we do find the tomb of Pharaoh Akhom that might be booby traps such like and I nodded since I was too hot to chat.

When suddenly, I yelped, fell through a hole in the sand and Jake ran over looking for me but he couldn't find me straight away and he called my name and asked where I was. I shouted underground somewhere, but whilst I was waiting for Jake to find me, I rummaged in my bag for my torch that I had packed when Jake suddenly landed beside me and went with an ooof. I switched on the torch, swung the light around and Jake said, "Oh my goddess, you found Pharaoh Akhom's tomb Kibbles!"
We took a slow walk round since we didn't want to set off any potential booby traps however once we realised it was safe, Jake started checking what treasures there was and it was mostly old clothes, wigs, paintings and jewellery which he was amazed over, he told him that the British Museum would be interested in doing an exhibit on the tomb.
That was my adventure in Egypt however I could go on alot longer but I'd rather not bore you with anymore unnecessary details but that won't be a vacation I won't forget in a hurry.
Toodle Pip
P.S. The name Akhom means Eagle if your interested and my owner would like to thank her friend; Eagl(3)ye for help with places of interest and names.