I had a few jobs whilst living in Pet Society Town since I have fund my shopping fix, rent, feeding my petlings, buying presents for my friends etc. My first job was a wedding planner which was so much fun, designing rooms for the happy couple. Below is one of the rooms I designed for a couple however I had fun hopping from seat to seat checking they were comfy (that's my excuse!) but my boss caught me and as a result I lost that fun job.
I went to local playing field with few of my friends to play football (soccer to any American readers), then this random pet comes up to me asking me if I would be interested in playing football professionally. I guess he must of been a football scout so I said sure but I gave that up because of constant press intrusion.
Then I brought this diner with my money from being a footballer since it looked run down and needed a spruce (spruce up = redecorating) up. Once I spruced the diner up, it really started hopping (hopping = getting busy) however it was exhausting to keep it running so I put it up for sale and I got a good offer for it.
Then I saw this job for a Holiday Rep being advertised so I went for that however it was only a seasonal job but I managed to go on a Cruise, Middle East and Africa however whilst in Africa I visited my cousin, Jake.
Hopefully third time lucky, I set up my own business again which is running a Fast Food Restaurant so far so good that is getting busy but we shall wait and see - not getting my hopes up.
I better get back to work since I don't want or need unhappy customers.
Toodle Pip