Friday, 10 December 2010

The Gallery


My mummy can't into PS moment so we decided to do a blog about fan art she got people to draw, she spends ages looking through fan art section; trying to find a shop open with slots so she can order a drawing of me!

These fan arts star yours truly so presenting the gallery of Kibbles however sometimes I'm with my mum (MommeeKat) or Vampy or Aliex in some of the drawings.

Some she has paid artists to do where as others have been paid for by Vampy's owner or Aliex's owner however I like to include them because they do feature me. Generally I am fair skinned in the drawings however there is a few where I am dark skinned but she loves collecting them and these are not they original size however if you click them you get to see them at they original size.

If you want to draw me; Kibbles then send my mommy a PM/VM via the Playfish Forum (this link is my mummy's member page) and she can tell you want details she wants etc.

by Alial

by kireina_taizetsu

by Karl Ison

 by Pyoko

by Pyoko



by milkycherry

by milkycherry

by greggi


by marmonis

by Beiyi Bites

by PS.Addict

by chillicandy

by PS.Addict

by Kestrel44

by cynthiavara however coloured by

by takoyaki

by cheshirecat

by Bunnyh

by Pitchie

 by kurokuropyon

by music298

Woah, I am amazed at how many fan art of me my mummy and friends have myself and my friends but I love them all.  Thanks for checking the gallery, if my mummy gets new drawings, I will create a new post called The Gallery Continued.

Toodle Pip

1 comment:

  1. All the drawings are so cute! Congrats to the artists and to the subjects :)
